Export Options

We offer several options for export, so you can get your album files the way you need them.


Several items to note on the export window previewed above.  

  • you can determine which spreads to export - all or a specific group  
  • if your album company wants the spreads split (for a split edition album), simply select the tick box
  • if you'd like your images sharpened, this is also an easy selection prior to export
  • format options include JPEG or TIFF
  • the ability to apply color management - sRGB is the default (and also required if you're planning to proof the design online, as sRGB is required for web viewing)
  • if you need to select or adjust the local folder where you'll find your exported files, click the icon in the Target folder field 


If you need to export for further work in Photoshop, not a problem.  Make sure to select the spreads for export as well as identify your desired version of Photoshop.  Once those are selected, confirm the Target folder for where you'll find the design files on your local drive and you'll be ready to rock.  Remember, exporting to Photoshop files is an intensive process, so it may take a little time to complete, especially if it's a large album with lots of beautiful spreads :)

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