Export for Proofing

Once you've completed the design process, it's time to show the album to your client.  Our online proofing software was built for this exact purpose and provides the very best way to present to your client, documents revisions, and get to an approval quickly.

The Export for Proofing icon can be found in the top right corner of the window next to your account login.  Couple of items to note before you export - 

  • make sure you're logged into your AlbumExposure account
  • confirm the album name (this will populate automatically with the current name you've assigned)
  • setup a password for the online client presentation (this is required to setup the album in your online account)
  • select all (if it's the first export for that album) or choose specific spreads to export only files you've recently revised

*Note: We recommend uploading the high res originals for the best online viewing experience and in order to be prepared to use our Send to Print feature.  For proofing, we use the originals to create multiple optimized copies for serving to different screen sizes and devices...we protect your original files while creating the best visual experience for your clients.  When it's time to Send to Print, if you choose to use this feature, we can seamlessly package and send the print ready files to your favorite labs and album companies for production of your album to begin.

Here's a quick video tutorial showing the Export to Proofing process.  As you'll see, it's super easy to go from design to proofing with AlbumExposure:


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