Editing Email Addresses
Editing email in AlbumExposure is easy, but there are multiple places where email addresses are stored and you must be mindful of how each of those relate to your account. Here's a quick breakdown of the email types, what each relates to, and where you can add or edit those in your account.
The account 'owner' email - this email is the primary on the account, shows in the account profile, and receives all notifications, including comments, approvals, and billing details. To change this email, you'll want to go to the top right menu and select Account > Profile. The email address can be edited in the 'Personal Settings' section and then saved with the button at the bottom of the page.
Additional Notification Emails - You have the ability to add two 'additional' emails in the global Communications Settings for receiving comment and approval notifications on albums. This is particularly helpful when multiple people in your studio (in addition to the account owner) need to know the progress of an album (e.g.: designer, studio manager, etc.). To add or edit the 'additional' emails for notifications, you'll go to the top right menu again and select Settings > Communications. The emails can be edited in the 'Additional Notification Emails' section and saved at the bottom of the page.
Reply to Email - On the same Settings > Communications page, if you scroll to the bottom, you'll find a section titled 'Send Link Email Content'. Here you'll find a field for the 'outgoing email reply-to' that is included in all client emails that go out. You can add or edit the global setting in that section and save at the bottom of the page. This reply-to email can also be manually adjusted per album on the Send Link page within each album, if needed, but the global setting will serve as the default for all albums.